[Kickstarter update #6] Do you wanna be in the game?

Hey everyone!

So happy we’re still going well with the campaign – we’re nearly at the next stretch goal which will unlock 3 new visitors to add to the gorgeous bunch we have already!

Tying into this very theme, we’ve just launched a new competition for all of our Insta fans! We’re giving away the chance to be in the game – drawn as one of our characters by Jose!

If you want to participate check out the post here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7zXazIfaW/

For a bit more info about the competition, you can see the info page on our website: http://localhost:8888/gaysauna/insta-competition/.

Are you ready to visit to this Gay Sauna?

We’re already looking into further competitions outside of Instagram as we know not all of you are insta-fans, and we’ll announce as soon as we have more news.

Take care everyone!

Adrian x

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