[Kickstarter update #18] We made it bigger than we could have imagined!

Thank you all so so much! We’re completely blown away by reaching so far – we didn’t quite meet our €35k stretch goal, but we came close we’ll be adding the First Player token for all backers!

We also had a big surprise this morning by finding out we’re #13 on the BoardGameGeek Hotlist at the moment: https://boardgamegeek.com/hotness (that’s so freakin cool we can’t quite comprehend it happening yet…)

Over the next 24 hours we’ll be pulling all the backer submissions and will announce the winner of our competition tomorrow evening.

We’re then going to take a few days to process everything, regroup and pick up a bunch of things that have been on hold while this campaign was running. We’ll be adopting a weekly update rhythm for the campaign – even if we’ve not got anything to say, we’ll provide a quick update saying that. We’ll also publish our planning next week in the update to give you an idea of the next steps and what we’ll be busy with.

We will also be launching our pre-order store very soon – so those who missed out on the campaign can have a chance to join backers. We’ll also be rolling out some options for retailers – so stay tuned for more there.

It kind of feels like a goodbye, as we’ve been glued to this campaign and connecting constantly with all of you for this time, but it’s really a HELLO to the world! As everyone keeps telling me: It all starts now!

And none of this would have been possible without you all!

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