[Kickstarter update #9] 10k! What a milestone!

When we started this campaign only 11 days ago, I was secretly hoping we would reach 10k by the end of the campaign, but I didn’t really expect to reach it, and certainly not with so much time left to go.

We’re so very very thankful to everyone who has backed, shared and talked about Gay Sauna the Board Game. We’re on track to make this huge and we (obviously) wouldn’t be where we are now without you all.

Our most recent unlocked stretch goal is the campaign favourite for Jose: Engraved Dice! Everyone loves cool dice, and we’re thrilled to be at the point we can include this in the game for everyone. It makes me wonder if anyone might make their own games using these dice – I mean how often do you get dice with bums and willies on them eh?

We’re now steaming ahead to add even more visitor art. Keep your eyes peeled for the next chance to win your own place in the game.

We also revealed our next Stretch Goal: The Gay Sauna Guidebook! This is a small project I’ve been working on for a little while including some backstory on the world of Gay Saunas, as well as insights into the various tribes, kinks and cruising areas included in the game. It will be included as a separate booklet in the game. Not needed for the game, but educational and informative to read before or after you play.

A lot of our time right now is spent preparing for SPIEL, Essen – we’ve got some pretty awesome visuals planned out for our stand. We’ll be demoing the game for anyone who wants to try it out so please drop by. We’ll be in hall 6, booth K108 (6K108).

We hope you enjoy your weekends everyone!

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